
Veterans succeed at HVAF through employment: More than just landing a job

George at HVAF
More than fifteen years after his service in the U.S. Army and repeated bouts of homelessness, George, 48, turned to HVAF for help with housing. Case Manager Sarah Reed began the process of assessing his job barriers, first by looking at any disabilities he might have. He was assessed by psychologists obtained with the help of Easter Seals Crossroads which helps meet the needs with people with disabilities. To further his goal of becoming employed, he qualified for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), a program of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) which provides quality individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment.

And it came to pass, that in process of meetings with his case manager and psychologists, after the end of two years George found a job that he enjoys.

“It brings meaning to my life and has helped build my self-esteem because now I am being held accountable,” says George. “I begin my workday with purpose and I want to be self-sufficient and make enough money to pay my bills, save for the future, as well as buy a few model trains which is my hobby.”

Walmart is one of many companies that value a veteran workforce. The company values George’s work each day. The company is committed to hiring 100,000 veterans by 2018.

George is thankful to have a job. Indiana ranks as one of the worst states for veteran unemployment according to Consumer and only 50% of military respondents surveyed reported that they had set aside funds sufficient to cover expenses for three months in case of emergency.

George’s future includes planning and saving.

He is enrolled in HVAF’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and has been working with Tom Tuttle since January. George is applying for apartments, and when he decides which apartment he would like to live in, SSVF will be assisting financially.

George will receive case management while enrolled in SSVF to help with the transition into permanent housing.