From January 2015 - July 2015, one hundred and fourteen veterans who rely on HVAF services and programs were hired by fifteen employers. These employers are committed to hiring veterans.
Robert H., a retired United States Army veteran with 20 years of service was hired by G2 Secure Staff on February 25. He came to HVAF for help after he became unemployed. When he pulled in the parking lot at HVAF, he was not aware of the services offered but he was determined to learn more.
first met with a staff member from the Supportive Services for Veteran Families
(SSVF) program who helped him get his rent and electric payments paid and also
met with an Employment Specialist. Robin Close, a Employment Specialist at HVAF, sent Robert a job lead about open interview dates at G2
Secure Staff at the Indianapolis Airport. At G2 Secure Staff, Robert was hired to
work at the Indianapolis International Airport.
months after being hired, Robert landed a promotion and is now a flight
coordinator for G2 Secure Staff. For a full
list of companies who have recently hired a veteran from HVAF click here.