
Staffing company gives back to veterans at HVAF

Toys, TV’s and a truck load of gift bags filled with hygiene items were delivered and distributed  to HVAF for three veteran families this year. It was all part of PME Enterprises' annual Christmas giving program. Ralph M. was a recipient of the gifts. He was once a homeless US Army veteran. In 2011, HVAF provided him with housing and he also received help with his addiction to alcohol and drugs through the organization’s recovery (REST) program. While Ralph works full-time, he still struggles to provide for his 9-year-old daughter Lakin, especially around the holidays.

Ralph M. with gifts under tree
“I ration my gas every week. I limit driving to a minimum, and carefully plan my grocery store trips strategically around pay day, and sometimes that doesn’t even work out. So, thank you for removing that burden for a while,” says Ralph.

Families were also provided a gift card to use for the purchase of a Christmas meal.

Danny Portee, CEO of PME Enterprises, a service disabled veteran owned company said: “Giving back to local veterans is our promise and as staff we believe this is important too. When we heard about HVAF families in need, we knew we had to help. We want to make sure the most vulnerable families can benefit."

Lisa Sandoval, a mother of two small children, also shared her gratitude.

“I could never in a million years be as surprised and overjoyed as I was. Someone out of the kindness of their heart adopted us and gave my children not only what they wanted but so much more. This year my kids had the best Christmas to date because of HVAF and someone I consider Our Christmas Angel.”

Sarah Jacob, 28, says life’s challenges has been up or down for a few years. Her husband Joshua served in the US Army and after several setbacks they didn’t know how they would provide for their two kids this year.

“The gifts were very much appreciated. I did not expect to get as many gifts or as big of gifts. Our two kids were so excited for Christmas and we are hopeful as we head into the New Year.”
PME Enterprises also provided an additional 200 veterans with gift bags of essential needs.