Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said,
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for
Students representing the IUPUI
Black Student Union with other volunteers from the university's Black Faculty
and Staff Council will answer that question on the 13th Annual MLK Day of
Service, Jan. 20, when they provide vital service to HVAF and the homeless
veterans we provide for each day.
For their service work at HVAF,
the IUPUI team will deep clean floors in the HVAF headquarters' basement and
warehouse. It's crucially important to keep these spaces clean because clothing
and other basic needs donations for homeless veterans are stored in these areas
prior to distribution.
"We are proud to host the
IUPUI team as they honor the MLK legacy with service to our military
veterans," says Debra Des Vignes, VP of marketing and communications.
"At the root of Dr. King's messages were the ideals that people provide
service to others and pursue freedom and equality for all, and no group has
sacrificed more to uphold these ideals than our U.S. military members."
If you or your organization would
like to volunteer at HVAF, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Tina Mullins at
tmullins@hvaf.org or 317-951-0688.