
Help HVAF welcome veterans like Ken with open arms this fall

When HVAF welcomed Ken N. in August, he had nothing. The U.S. Army veteran let alcohol get the best of him. He went from traveling the world with the Army to working full time at several different jobs to being completely homeless with no food, shelter, or transportation. Luckily, he realized he needed to turn his life around.
Ken receiving a donated hat from HVAF donor

Ken remarked, “It’s what I needed. My life depended on this place.” Ken then explained the acceptance HVAF had of him and how much he needed HVAF. “They welcomed me with open arms. I came in with nothing, but all my needs are met here. The fellowship and staff are great,” Ken explained.

We often take every day amenities for granted. Sweatshirts, jackets, coats, and even toiletry items are crucial to providing veterans with everything they need while they get back on their feet. Ken added, “Peoples’ generosity, both veterans and non-veterans, is appreciated by all of us.”

Help out veterans like Ken get back on their feet as the winter approaches. Any donations are appreciated.
With Veterans Day approaching, it can be difficult to know how you can contribute and give back to our nation's veterans. 

At HVAF, there are so many ways to give and help veterans like Ken.

Contact HVAF today to make a donation at 317-951-0688 or 964 N. Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, IN 46204.